Shiloh Bible Camp | Washington State
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SUMMER IS COMING! • Register today! •
We demonstrate the love of Christ through teaching, conversation, and fun.
Everything we do at Shiloh Bible Camp is done in a manner that seeks to glorify the name of Jesus. We believe that camp should be a place where people learn from the Bible. We ensure that the messages we present proclaim and teach Jesus as Christ. This is a great place to get away from the distractions of the world. Shiloh offers an atmosphere of prayer and focuses on a closeness with Jesus. We firmly believe that camp should create memories that campers can look back on and remember as a place they experienced life in a new and encouraging way; the first place they chopped fire-wood, smuggled a bible, washed dishes, learned to pray, or much more.

“Through Shiloh God took me beyond my comfort zone and showed me the things I could do with His help…”
— Fionna, Summer Intern 2020