We are so excited that you are able to come to camp! Go ahead and fill out the registration form below and if you have any questions let us know! Select Retreat * Women's Retreat Couples Day Movie Maker’s Challenge Spring R E V I V E Fall REVIVE Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Emergency Phone * (###) ### #### Gender * Male Female Age * Sleeping Request Medical Dietary Restrictions You may need to bring your own food depending on your restrictions. Home Church Dress Code * I have read and agree to follow Shiloh's Dress Code. https://www.shilohbiblecamp.com/dress-code Yes, I agree Media Release * I have read and agree to Shiloh Bible Camp's Media Release and acknowledge that it gives permission for Shiloh to use any photos, videos and audio recordings, at their discretion. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a9b7d41710699484fb6e835/t/5b1820d41ae6cf5b6c7ea082/1528307927433/PDF+-+Shiloh+Bible+Camp+-+Medical+Release+Form.pdf Yes, I agree Cell Phone Policy * I understand that Shiloh has a no cell phone policy and agree to leave my phone at home or leave it at registration when arriving at camp. Yes, I understand Payment * Online Payments are back! Follow the link after you submit this form to pay. I will pay at camp Additional Comments? Don’t forget to print and bring you Media Release Form!click HERE to pay online today